Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Dressing Room - Part 1

(c) 2010 Glen GoffinA wedding is possibly the most beautiful ceremony in any culture.   That is why I love to photograph them.  In fact, the wedding ceremony isn't really one ceremony.  It is composed of countless mini-ceremonies and traditions that flow seamlessly together to create the whole.

I thought I would begin with one of the most significant and emotional of these mini-ceremonies.

While the guys are out golfing, clowning around or otherwise entertaining themselves, the ladies have begun a long ritual of preparation that culminates with the dressing of the bride.   This is the moment that little girls have looked forward to since the first time they played dress-up in their mom's high-heels and lipstick.  Mothers have looked forward to seeing their daughters wearing that special dress since the moment the doctor cried, "It's a GIRL!!".   These are priceless and beautiful moments that you entrust to your photographer to capture with beauty and style.  That's also why it is worth the extra minutes it takes to prep the dressing room for photography.

Here are some tips from a photographer's perspective on the selection and preparation of the dressing room to help make sure that that special ceremony (dressing the bride) gets captured in it's fullest beauty and emotion.

Plenty of Indirect Window Light
  • Good light almost always results in good photographs.   Take a look at your favorite wedding images and you will likely see that there was really nice light involved.  
  • Direct, glaring sunlight is challenging.  It can be tamed but it is harsh and contrasty and generally washes out all the subtle colors.  
  • Your dressing room should ideally have nice sized windows. 
  • If you have multiple rooms to choose from, a room with North-facing windows is perfect ... but let's face it, who really carries a compass with them!?  Northern light is clean and bright and beautiful and there won't be any direct sunlight streaming through the windows from the north.
  • If it happens that the sun does stream directly through the window, then some simple chiffon-like white material should be placed over the window to diffuse the light.  White is best because it won't color the light and we want to be sure to get the colors of the wedding dresses and bridesmaids dresses correct. 
  • There is another reason for the windows.  They produce "catch-lights" in the eyes that are simply gorgeous especially in close-up shots of your eyes.
A Little Space
  • Not too much but also not too little.  You may or may not have any option here but, if you do, just remember that we want you, your mom and some bridesmaids all in the picture.   Oh ... plus room for the photographer to move around.  As much as I like to stay inconspicuous, I also like to get both near and far shots.
  • It's also really nice to get a layout shot of the dress where we spread it all out.  That takes a bit of space.
Clear Out the Junk
    • You want everything that ends up in the picures to be "wedding-y".  Bridal gowns, shoes, flowers, ribbons, veils, even undies are ok as long as they're tasteful.   But Pepsi cans, plastic wrap, old pizza, sneakers, jeans ... all these can really break the mood.  Unless, of course, that is exactly the vibe that you are looking for.  Some brides want a more "down-to-earth" feel.  
    • Cover any ugly furniture.  Or just move it.  But leave yourself some comfy places to sit, too.  We don't want the room to look bare either.
    Other Lights
    • Along with the window light, make sure that there is good light through the rest of the room.  Of course, we can use flash strobes but natural or room light has much better ambience and romance to it.  
    • Some brides like candles which is truly lovely.  Just make very very sure that they are safe from all the bridesmaids and the photographer all of whom are looking at you ... not the candles.
    • If in doubt, the photographer should be more than happy to help.
    I know this sounds like a lot to do and a lot to remember.  The last thing you need is more to worry about but even if you remember a little of this when you prepare your dressing room it should result in glorious and beautiful images that you will cherish forever.

    More later.  Relax and enjoy this time.  Peace,

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